Friday, August 29, 2014

Lets Talk about God

Lets talk about God
and his Kingdom

Sweet like Honey
Big and strong

The Lord God of Hosts

Wants to help you
to save your soul

In his infinite love
he is offering you 
his hand of salvation

The Lord is here
and he wants to help you,
he wants you in his Kingdom

 he is knocking at your door
all you need is
take his hand.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

To The Lord My God

Today I just want to tell you

Thank you for all the love
that you are giving to me

Thank you for all the care
that you got for me

Thank you for the heart
that it is in me

Thank you for the love
that you sent for me

Thank you for this life

Thank you for the privilege
to do something for you

For my God, My Lord